Tips to Improve Sleep for a Happier You at Work

Tips to Improve Sleep for a Happier You at Work

Sleep may not come easy to all! Lifestyle factors can be causing your sleep disruption and adopting healthy habits can make a difference in a well-rested you. Improve sleep by working towards a happier you in your work and home life.

Most adults need between six and nine hours of sleep every night! Sleep deprivation can cause accidents due to poor judgement and slower reaction time when you are driving, can impair concentration and alertness, can age your skin, can make you gain weight and can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

Well-rested employees are happier, more productive and alert employees. Therefore, it’s important to communicate the importance of a restful slumber. Improve sleep with some useful tips:

Exercise earlier in the day

If you are struggling to sleep, exercise is a fantastic way to help you fall asleep quicker, improve the quality of it and the duration. Physical activity helps to reduce stress and tires you out, although working out too closely before bed can over-stimulate the body. Regular exercise can also improve the symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnea.

If you are looking to join a gym but are worried about the price, My Gym Discounts can help you save money. It is a voucher based or discount code scheme which offers employees the opportunity to benefit from discounted gym memberships at hundreds of gyms, leisure centres, health clubs and class studios across the UK and Ireland. The memberships are set up and paid for in club or online directly by the employee. Discounts are available on a variety of contracts, meaning employees don’t necessarily need to commit to a 12-month agreement.

Ditch the caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake, so steer clear of coffee, tea, chocolate, coca cola and some pain killers. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it, so if you are really struggling to sleep try cutting it out of your diet completely.

Slow down on alcohol

Alcohol can make you feel tired and as if you were ready to sleep, however, after a couple of hours it will become a stimulant that will increase the number of hours you are awake and the quality of it you have. Try limiting your alcohol intake to one or two glasses a day, and don’t drink too closely to when you intend to go to bed.

Eat lighter meals

Eating a pizza late at night is the worst possible idea you could have, as eating heavy meals right before going to bed is bad for your sleep and health. Eat lightly before hitting the sheets and skip spicy, fatty or fried foods.

Get your body in a routine

Establishing a sleep schedule can help to regulate your body’s clock and help you fall asleep for the night. Choose a bedtime and stick to it every night, the more your sleep pattern differs the more it will mess up the cycle so consistency is key.

Read to know more the tips to maintain an ideal work-life balance.

Avoid screens one to two hours before bed

When you are getting ready to go to bed, turn down the lights and switch electronic devices off. Stop using all of your devices (smartphones, laptops and TVs) an hour before you go to bed as light slows down the production of melatonin, which is the hormone that helps us sleep. Research has found that people who use their devices before bed take longer to fall asleep.

Don’t nap in the day

When you are sleep deprived napping may seem like a solution, however, it can make you sleep pattern worse. It’s all about napping strategically and limiting your nap time to 30 minutes a day maximum, also be careful of not snoozing too close to going to bed.