How to Make Employee Wellness a Priority

How to Make Employee Wellness a Priority

Investing in the wellness of staff is vital to a productive, satisfied and happy workplace. Therefore, it is important to take employee wellness seriously in order to get the most out of your employees.

Lead from the top down

Employee wellness has a better chance of succeeding if the programme is supported by the higher ups. Thus, leading from the top down demonstrates that you believe employee wellness is a top priority. Employees are likely to embrace a health and wellness change in company culture if leadership participates.

Create a wellness policy

Every company must have a health and safety policy. However, there isn’t the same legal requirement for a wellness policy. You would outline your company’s commitment to managing your employees’ health and safety effectively. Consequently, you should do the same with regards to employee wellness. A wellness policy should encompass a 360° approach. Most importantly, because this ensures the physical, emotional and social wellness needs of the workforce are met proactively. A wellness policy will clearly outline your company’s dedication to employee wellness. Similarly, it shows how you intend to achieve this and clarity over your company’s actions.

Involve employees in the planning

If you are thinking of implementing a wellness programme, you should consider asking for your employees for their input. A focus group or survey could help determine the needs of your workforce. Along with what they would like improved and what they believe will help achieve that. Therefore, involving your staff in the planning process of the wellness programme will make them feel like their input is valued and will be taken seriously. Furthermore, it’s also important to share the progress of the wellness programme with employees. So, that they feel involved in your company’s wellness journey.

Encourage a more active workforce

Healthier employees are better for business. 27% fewer sick days are taken by physically active workers and £8 billion per year could be saved by UK businesses by implementing better mental wellbeing support in the workplace. Regular physical activity can help prevent colds, minimise the risk of type 2 diabetes, boosts your thinking ability, reduces the risk of cancer, maintain a healthy weight and keep your heart healthy.

Make it fun and relatable

Employee wellness brings the opportunity to have some fun within the workplace and create a better work relationship between colleagues. Team bonding activities can challenge, engage and unite your team with fun events. Utilise team events as a chance to build trust and develop problem solving strategies, team bonding activities can be the foundation of your wellness strategy and the starting point in changing your company culture.