How Working Long Hours Can Be Damaging to Your Workplace

How Working Long Hours Can Be Damaging to Your Workplace

British employees work an average of 469 unpaid hours a year! Working long hours can damage a business as employees will be unproductive, tired, stressed and more likely to make mistakes.

More than a third of parents feel resentful about their employer’s approach to work-life balance. Therefore, it is vital to tackle the long hours working culture for a healthy, happy and productive workforce.

Higher employee turnover

Unhappy employees are more likely to leave than stay within a company. Especially, if employees don’t feel valued and are not getting money for any overtime. Unpaid work not only costs employees time with their family but money. Workers gave away more than £31bn worth of work last year. Therefore, tackling head on the root of a long-hours working culture and employee stress could help improve the happiness of your workforce.

Productivity decrease

Working long hours can be counter-productive in terms of employee productivity and damages the health of the employee. Offering employees workplace incentives can encourage employees to take a break and step away from their desks; thus giving them the opportunity to return with a clear mind. Lunchtime office workouts can re-energise employees and improve their productivity. An increase in endorphins will make employees think quicker and improve problem solving skills. Providing employees with office massages can also help to relieve tension and stress, increase productivity, improve morale and maintain good health practices.

Health and safety risks

Long working hours leads to fatigue, and physical and emotional stress. When people are exhausted, there is more room for human error such as workplace accidents or job mistakes. Monitoring the hours of your employees ensures they are not posing a health and safety risk to themselves. Developing a workplace wellness policy ensures the physical, emotional and social wellness needs of your workforce are met. Therefore, it provides clarity on the company’s wellness solutions and tackling the issue in question.

Constantly switched on employees

The French government’s new legislation went into effect on 1st January 2017 and gives French workers the “right to disconnect”. The policy aims at counteracting the health risks of a switched-on work culture enabled by technology. Thus, providing a refocus on the balance between work and home life. If employees have no break from their work they will be constantly stressed and productivity will decline. Offering employees flexible hours enables staff to work the hours best for their lifestyle.

Why you should future proof your business

Two in five parents said that changing company culture to make work-life balance more acceptable should be a priority for employers. Employers who create a healthy and happy workplace environment where employees are nurtured and supported will experience employee loyalty. Implementing a wellness strategy within your company can help to increase employee engagement, reduce absenteeism, and improve productivity and morale. Furthermore, it demonstrates sustainable business practices and helps your company to attract new staff to.