Tackling Stress at Work with Westfield Health

Tackling Stress at Work with Westfield Health

Two thirds of us experience a mental health problem in our lifetimes and stress is a key factor in this. This year Mental Health Awareness Week is focusing on stress and how in tackling it mental health can be improved. Incorpore recognise that healthy employees are good for business therefore we have launched a new wellness proposition. Your Wellness Hub is a collaboration of some of the key wellness providers in the UK. They have partnered with Westfield Health to deliver the best workplace wellness solutions.

 Here are three tips from Westfield Health for tackling stress are:
Get active

Physical activity is a natural stress buster. Thus, it gets rid of the harmful adrenaline that’s produced when you get stressed. Consequently, it causes your brain to release endorphins which are feel good hormones. Try a walking meeting or getting out and about on your lunch break.

Look after your body

Energy, stamina and a strong immune system is what we need to keep going when the pressure starts to mount. It can be tempting to reach for stimulants like coffee or high-fat foods. However, caffeine can give you an initial boost then leave you weary. High-fat meals also raise stress hormones and keep them high. Try these top tips to look after your body:

  • Boost your immune system by eating plenty of vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink water – the brain can only operate effectively if its cells are properly hydrated. So, make sure you’re properly hydrated to improve your concentration, mood and to help you to cope with stressful situations.
  • Get your sleep – good quality sleep is the only way you can properly recharge your batteries. Because you can’t deal with stressful situations well if you’re ‘running on half empty’.
Take a break

Research shows that working long hours is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, stress, depression, musculoskeletal disorders, chronic infections and diabetes. Professor Cary Cooper of the Lancaster University Management School has shown that working over 45 hours a week can damage your health, physically and psychologically. We can’t operate at 100% all of the time. Even the most energetic, dynamic and dedicated person can’t be giving it all constantly. So take a break to unwind, re-focus and replenish your energy levels.

Read more: 8 Proven Ways to Reduce Stress Levels