The Benefits of Exercise for You at Work

Benefits of exercise at work

Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for your health, but can be great for your career too. Exercise improves all aspects of your life including productivity, reducing illnesses, and building better relationships with colleagues. Here are the few benefits of exercise at work:

Improves productivity

Exercise can help boost productivity at work through alertness. Therefore, being more productive and alert can help you to get tasks completed quicker. The physical benefits of exercise include increasing the blood flow to the brain. This can increase energy levels and make you more alert, meaning you will be more on your game at work.

Reduces the risk of illness 

Being physically active will increase your resistance against illnesses, which means fewer sick days and not constantly playing catch up. A good example of how exercise can help you at work. The benefits of exercise include improving cardiovascular health, maintaining a healthy weight, lowering the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, and depression. A healthy you, is a happier you!

Creates less stress

Exercise is good for your physical and mental wellbeing. Especially since most of us spend around 8 hours each day in front of our desks, causing workplace stress and fatigue. When we are stressed or unhappy, we are likely to engage in unhealthy habits. Our emotional well-being will suffer as a result. It’s important to keep up positive behavioural choices such as exercise or mindfulness, to help minimise stress levels.

Fosters teamwork 

Working out with your colleagues can help you to get to know your team mates better, and enhance workplace relationships. Social support can also play a significant role in exercise, especially if you struggle to stay motivated with keeping fit. Exercising with your team mates can help you to stick to a fitness regime, and hold each other accountable. Colleagues get to interact together in an environment outside of work, and build meaningful relationships.

Better memory and concentration 

Exercise increases the production of cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning. The benefits of exercise include boosting concentration levels and cognitive ability, meaning your intellectual skills benefit from it. A recent study showed people who exercise in their workday were 23% more productive on those days than when they didn’t exercise.